About Us

Our Vision: As a journalist to play a progressive positive role in unifying the community for its greater welfare in the UK.

UK Bangla Reporters Unity:

The UK Bangla Reporters Unity will act as an umbrella and a platform for all permanent Bengali speaking resident journalists and reporters of the UK Bengali press & media including editors and others editors of newspapers, online media, magazines, journals, radio, and electronic media. The UK Bangla Reporters Unity in short will be known as UKBRU, established in 5th july 2017.

গ্রেট ব্রিটেনে বস্তুনিষ্ঠ সংবাদ প্রেরণে, সংবাদপত্রের প্রতিবেদকদের ঐক্যতানে ও ব্রিটিশ বাঙালিদের কল্যাণে কাজ করার প্রত্যয় নিয়ে ৫ জুলাই ২০১৭ইং  যাত্রা শুরু- ইউকে বাংলা রিপোর্টার্স ইউনিটির ।

Aims - Objective:

As a non-profitable organisation promoting objective news reporting by engaging in welfare activities of the community. In order to develop creative, skilled and trained journalist, each member of the organisation will be provided with necessary trainings in various media related topics.

Continue to establish a meaningful relationship with the necessary regional, national, international media, respected individuals and other related organisations.

To come to aid of any members experiencing difficulties. The UKBRU will attempt to come forward in assisting as far as possible and increase cooperation between members.

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Our Location in UK